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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Making Money by Writing Articles

Making money by writing articles is the key ingredient to success on the internet. Mind you there are other elements that come into play, but the most essential component to this is writing informative material that people want to read. If you can do this, you will save yourself lots of money in advertising and other marketing costs because you will rank high in the search engines. The search engines want to give searchers quality information so they will come back again. If you can deliver many top quality articles, you are golden.

I suffer from writer's block frequently, and I hate when it happens because I cannot conjure up a single thought. However, there is a tool you can use to jump this hurdle if you are like me and struggle with writing. The tool is called The Instant Article Wizard and is a lifesaver. If you click on the link you can see a video tutorial of how it can assist you in your article writing, and when you watch it make sure you pay attention to not only the keywords but the subkeywords; this is totally awesome because it is actually uncovering some keywords for your niche that you may have never thought of.

To use this tool for one month costs $7 and if you like it and want to keep using it, it is $27, but it is well worth it to me because I have more bad writing days than good writing days and this tool has really helped me out a lot. If you are a website or blog owner, I recommend using this tool. Not only can this tool help you in making money by writing articles, but it could very well end up saving you some money in the long run if you utilize PPC advertising.

1 comment:

Daily Money Makers said...

Hey! My name's Adam Trask and I'm seeking link partners that
our visitors would be interested in visiting. I liked your website so much that I want to make a link exchange if that's okay with you.It would be greatly appreciated!

Title: Money Ways | Daily Money Makers

We've got several PR6 and 7 websites, so we expect this site to become
at least a PR5 within 1 month and will eventually become a 6 or 7 in 2-3
months.Thanks in Advance!

You can e-mail me back with your link title and url. Hope to hear from you soon!

Adam Trask