So what is Project Payday? If you are making money with the get-paid-to programs, you will catch on to this very quickly. Sometimes you will see ads for things like $500 Amazon gift cards or maybe a free Nintendo Wii (there are many more; I am just pulling some out of a hat). Now if you work the GPT sites, you would normally just fill out the front page of the offer and collect maybe 50 cents. However, the people participating in this program take it all the way home -- they go for the $500 reward. Now if you are trying to obtain the $500 reward, you will be selling greens and if you are somebody helping this person obtain that reward you are going to be buying greens. This is the fastest way I know of if you need some money to your Paypal account, because the person trying to obtain the reward is going to pay into your Paypal account anywhere from $20 to $40 just for helping them out.
I know this past fall there were tons of people going for the Free Nintendo Wii's. A lot of these people who obtained their reward would then turn around and resell their prize on eBay and make a nice profit there. To put it in a nutshell, there is A LOT you can do with this as both a buyer and seller of greens.
Now, here is something I don't hear many people talking about and they really should. First, you do not need to pay anything to join Project Payday, which I can't understand. Secondly, the Project Payday people even give new signups a $100 guarantee. They say that if you follow their step-by-step guide and do not make money within 24 hours, you are to write them and they will pay you $100. If you can back up your plan with a money-back guarantee like they have, there is no doubt you are going to make money with Project Payday. I do participate in it myself from time to time. Like I said in my blog intro, I participate in a little bit of everything.
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