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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Megalido Bites The Dust

Megalido -- the rants, the money, the hype. Unfortunately, Megalido, the autosurf that states on its website that it is going to bring the autosurf industry back into glory, has failed.

I have posted about this autosurf a few times. In fact, in my last post I actually praised this autosurf for paying out the returns it had stated it would. It appeared that Megalido was going to do what it set out to do; bring the autosurf industry back with some type of honor. At this website the owner identifies himself and also his locale and then writes a very inspirational article for those that are interested in participating in his program but may be sitting on the fence.

I was hesitant to try it given the bad rep this industry has, however, after seeing the payments that people were receiving and the contests and the owner's dedication toward his program, I fell for it. I took this guy's line, as did 10,000+ people. Even better, many other autosurf websites have popped up inviting people to participate in their program to make some money.

At this time Megalido is no longer paying, and the owner has crafted another story in order to explain why. Believe him? Don't think so. Megalido bites the dust. End of this story for me. Will I venture into another autosurf program? No way.

1 comment:

Roy said...

Its a shame, but not totally unexpected these days.
It's a shame there isn't really away to legally prevent this kind of thing to happen. But thats the consequence of the internet, too hard to hold someone accountable for their actions when the country they live in might not even have any laws against this kind of behavior.

Hope you got some profit out of it, or at least didnt lose much.