Advertising networks are great platforms to get involved with because they have LOTS of members that are all looking for opportunities to join or opportunities to offer other members. The S4P Advertising Network has just come out with a new add-on program that is going to be very hot.
The S4P Advertising Network has put together a really great advertising program for just $7.95 a month, but they offer much more. In addition to the advertising they offer, they have included a money-making program and also a downline builder plug-in page where you can add in one of your own programs if you are trying to obtain referrals.
For $7.95 a month, payable via AlertPay, Solid Trust Pay (STP) or PayPal, you get an advertising platform of banner ads, text links, etc., a plug-in downline builder page, and are entered into a 2 x 10 forced matrix that has the potential earnings of $2,000+.
Even better, members have the opportunity to get their monthly subscription fee refunded and are able to enter raffles to also earn money. I understand this new program will be introduced to over 36,000 members in 2 separate clubs over the coming week. I think this advertising network has great potential, and I invite any who are looking for a good advertising platform coupled with a money-making opportunity to consider joining it.
Advertising networks that offer a money-making opportunity attached to them are worth looking into because advertising can be very expensive. I especially like the 2x10 forced matrix concept because there is potential for spillover vs. one person working very hard just to try to obtain a commission.
If you'd like to try it out, please CLICK HERE. For $7.95 this is a steal, and, once again, you also have the opportunity to end up in this program for nothing. Free advertising with this type of earning potential sounds very good to me.
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