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Monday, July 7, 2008

Monetizing your Blog or Website with Bidvertiser

Now that Adsense has concluded its referral program, I am curious to see what affects it will have on site owners' monetization models. I have used Bidvertiser as an advertiser with good results but never implemented it into my own website's or blog's monetization because, let's face it, Adsense is convenient. If you utilize the Blogger platform to create a blog, Adsense is already programmed in there. I believe Adsense is the most highly used monetization model there is online.

Since I had used Bidvertiser in the past as an advertiser, I had considered utilizing it for my sites but never got around to it. I am a fairly new blogger and website creator so have just utilized what was recommended or already there. However, this morning I think I saw the writing on the wall that it was time to switch; actually I have no choice.

I received a mail this morning that my Adsense account had been disabled. It appears some reader came to my blog and clicked on quite a few Adsense ads, and I am now being held liable for that user's actions by having my account disabled. Adsense encourages you to play around with ad placement, and I had utilized the ad placement in my Blogger platform by placing Adsense ads in between my postings; not a good thing to do because you could have your account disabled if some clicking happy reader enters your site. I have put in an appeals and will see what happens, but at the present time I have finally taken the Bidvertiser jump. I am doing this because I have no choice, but I am curious to see how many site owners will be doing this in the future just because of the conclusion of the Adsense referral program. I am confident many site owners rely on Adsense referral income.

One thing I definitely like about Bidvertiser is that you will be paid once your account reaches $10 via Paypal, which is a much better scenario for the beginner blogger or website owner because you can't collect on Adsense until your account reaches $100. Monetizing my website or blog with BidVertiser may be a better monetization method for me as well as others. I am being more cautious with how many text ads I place on all my sites and will see how it goes.

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