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Monday, October 6, 2008

How Many Subscribers Are Actually Reading Your Mails?

If you are using an autoresponder to increase your online sales and prospects, have you ever wondered how many of your subscribers are actually reading their mails? I use the TrafficWave service for free and they have put in a great new add-on feature which will actually show you the percentage of people that are opening your mails.

Now I use to think that once somebody confirmed their e-mail address and entered my autoresponder that they would automatically read what I sent them, but I have learned this is not the case. The new add-on feature at TrafficWave has really shed some light on my direct e-mail marketing efforts, as I now know I have to create better subject lines in order to get my reader's attention.

Since I have implemented the TrafficWave service into my online business, things are starting to turn around for me. I have been list building, have a subscriber's list, am getting sales and now can also start focusing in on getting better sales conversions. Nothing like walking around in the dark.

TrafficWave offers much more than just multiple autoresponders. They have ad tracking, banner advertising, and you can have your own FFA page. You can even use their hosted lead capture page templates to start list building; so you do not need a website or blog to start building a list. AND believe it or not, they offer all this for $17.95 a month (not like some other services that charge you an arm and a leg). Better yet, you can even use the service for free if you want to participate in their affiliate program.

If you want to try out the TrafficWave service and embed an autoresponder in your blog or website, I invite you to try it out for 30 days free. They offer free trials. You have nothing to lose. You might even like it and want to continue on with it. Better yet, you may fall in love with it like I have and add it as another stream of online income for yourself. Grab a free trial by CLICKING HERE!


Brian Rooney, said...

Hi, Elizabeth!

Glad you're getting some good feedback on your letters. The Open Rates really showed me where my responses are dropping off so I'm going to be reworking some of my subject lines this week, too!

Brian Rooney LLC

Anabella said...

Thanks for commenting Brian. This is a totally awesome add-on to the TrafficWave service. Your automated marketing service just keeps getting better and better. I love the whole package.