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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Free-To-Join Programs

Free-to-join programs provide a secure avenue to venture if you want to make some money online. Regardless of what I have gotten involved in online trying to make a buck, I can say without fail that I have never lost any money in a free-to-join program.

The problem with free-to-join programs is that to really earn in these programs is that you need to expand out and refer people, but this is not unusual because everything you participate in online has a referral component. If you really like the program, you will no doubt work very hard at this, and if you don't care for the program that much you will end up putting it on the backburner.

Another problem with these programs is that you have to make sure they are being managed properly by the owners. Too often a free-to-join program will close and the owners will not pay the members. I have seen this happen quite a bit.

I have put together a report on how you can really earn with free-to-join programs. I have included the programs I participate in since I have been online and also highlight how you can save time in jumping that referral hurdle. If you would like to review what I have put together, you are able to subscribe in top right-hand corner of this page.


OIMS said...

Free to join programs are a great way for many to get their foot in the door. However, what typically happens is one ends up with a huge list of others under them, yet in order to take it to the next level, upgrading is necessary. Sometimes for as little as $10 to get the ball rolling. Yet if no one "upgrades,"... At least that's the way things were about 10 years ago LOL! I no longer participate in free to join programs (for the most part) for the reasons stated above. I did not go to your report, so maybe there is good news and hope in it! Best to you!

Jenny Fletcher said...

Why not try a social network that is free to join and pays you!

Anabella said...

When I first started online, all I did were the free-to-joins. I really wasn't sure what I wanted to do online and decided affiliate marketing was the way to go. One month I made about $250 and put it down a website with hosting; little did I know that I had no idea how to successfully put together a website or SEO. I sat many nights with a tissue box and finally gave up and then ventured into other things. One thing cost me thousands of dollars.

Regarding the huge list, this is what the report deals with. Unfortunately, there was one free-to-join that I loved and worked very hard at and did build that huge list, but what happened is the program owner ended up closing shop and taking my huge list with him. He started another program and marketed to all my prospects, while I in turn had nothing because I never captured my prospect's information for myself.

Regarding upgrading, there is only one free-to-join that I have upgraded in and have never had any regrets about it.

I still think free-to-joins are a great way to go for people just coming online who don't want to put out any money, but I strongly suggest that no matter whatever anybody ventures into, they capture their prospect's information.