The majority of bloggers are concerned about their RSS feed, their Technorati ranking, and their backlinks to obtain a great pagerank and receive potential traffic from the search engines. However, the one thing that I keep noticing is that bloggers are not list building. I come across many website owners as well who are not doing this. This is just as important as the above-mentioned factors if you plan to earn money online for the long-term.
As you know, not every reader of your blog or website is coming to take you up on your offer. It is important to offer that reader something other than asking them to sign for your RSS feed, give you a Digg, etc. in order to stay in contact with them. If you have an autoresponder embedded into your site, you can offer your readers a free eBook, a free sample, free EntreCards, etc. in order to have them submit their information to you. This is list building, and by doing so you are able to send out a newsletter or a HOT PRODUCT announcement to your subscribers. This is a great way to do business with people that would have exited your site and never looked back.
The free report I offer on this blog is actually a 13-page report that is delivered to each subscriber one page at a time over the course of 20 days. I can tell the autoresponder when to deliver and who to deliver to. I can use my WYSIWYG editor to create some great-looking sales letters. I am able to transfer subscribers from one autoresponder to another. If you are not into the appearance of an autoresponder setup on your site, you can also have people subscribe via e-mail. This is what mine would look like if I used it here anabella.DEFAULT@info.trafficwave.net
I am also able to use my autoresponder for FREE. I pay nothing for it due to the compensation program at TrafficWave. Most autoresponder programs only offer a commission program to their members, but TrafficWave offers much more so that you can actually make a long-term residual income. Many just use the TW tools and pay $17.95 a month for them and others promote them to partake in the earning opportunity.
If you are a blogger that would like to trial an autoresponder, I can offer you a free trial with the TrafficWave program. TW not only offers multiple autoresponders and WYSIWYG editor for sales letters. It also offers free ad tracking, free hosted lead capture pages, free banner advertising, and a free FFA (free for all) advertising page for you to use. It is very easy to use. To get the autoresponder embedded into this blog, all I did was copy and paste a code that TrafficWave provided me and I made sure my sales letters were all set up should anybody want my free report.
As I said above, I can offer you a free trial with the TrafficWave program for 30 days. If you do not like it and feel it is not for you, you simple unsubscribe and you are done with it. Bloggers need to list build in order to earn more in less time. I hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to play around with these tools and see for yourself what they can do for your online success.
If you CLICK HERE you will see a listing of the TrafficWave autoresponder features. If you scroll down to the bottom of the page, you can click on the 30-day free trial button and get yourself set up. This doesn't cost you anything and you will have free access to the TW tools.
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