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Monday, September 8, 2008

Losing Lots of Money on the Internet

When I was doing a couple EntreCard drops this morning, I ran across a blog posting that made me laugh hysterically because it is so true. It is entitled "Make Money Online by Lying Your Ass Off" and you will find it at The author of this blog (and others) is really good. I do read blog postings and do jump around to other pages (make sure you do that deep linking) because it does help bloggers in the search engines. This blogger offers great information that will definitely hold your attention.

In terms of myself, have I made money online? I have been online for 1 year, and I can tell you I have stumbled and fallen all over the place. I did make some money here and some money there, but my bottom line is not so pretty. In fact, if I told you how much I have lost you would probably run away from trying to make money online. Maybe one day I will write an eBook about it in an attempt to save people from making the same mistakes. Funny thing is is that most people DO NOT want to hear it.

For example, the other day I was using LinkReferral and a member had left me a blog review. In turn, I game him feedback on his site, which was nothing more than an affiliate URL link. I could not give him high marks for content because the content is not his. He got his panties up in a bunch about this, and I explained to him that he should embed the affiliate link in a blog or a website or something . . just don't copy and paste the program URLs he represents because he is not doing himself any favors. Was he satisfied with that explanation, of course not -- he doesn't want to listen. He is too busy trying to make that quick buck and in the long run is going to end up losing.

How do I know this -- it has happened to me plenty of times. For example, I worked really hard promoting a program I was making a few bucks from. I had invested monies as well to promote it and had achieved almost 200 referrals. I was excited. I couldn't believe it, but then one day the program owner decided to close shop and my 200 referrals went along with him. Now this program owner went on to create 1 or 2 other programs, and guess who has my referral contact information -- it isn't me.

This is why I am devote to promoting the TrafficWave program to internet marketing beginners. If I could have those 200 referrals with me now, things could have turned out differently for me, but I have had to start all over but am a little older and a little wiser. Unfortunately, until you get burned badly, you may not see the light. And even those that do get burned badly will still not get it.

Unfortunately, one way of effective advertising online is to brag about how much you made because it gets people interested. It makes you an "expert" in your field. The article at Bloggernoob states one poster listed -0- earnings for the month. Now even though that may give you a chuckle, at least it is honest. Making money online is not an easy task. It takes time, patience, and dedication. I just wish I could turn the hands of time back because I would have a pretty nice list of prospects right now, but I too didn't listen. Live and learn.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think what you read is true, the more people tell you how much they made in the past month just brings the enthusiasm that much higher.
My sympathies for not capturing the 200 peoples contact information from your program, but you have learned a lesson now and are using a great autoresponder.