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Saturday, August 30, 2008

Squidoo Drives Traffic

Bloggers that want to drive traffic to their sites need to utilize Squidoo. There are many ways to drive traffic and this is one of them. I see some bloggers utilizing Squidoo but they are not taking full advantage of it.

If you are going to use Squidoo, you are going to do more than just make a lens. You are going to want to insert your RSS feed into it, you are going to want to utilize the Tweeter plug-in option, you are going to want to take advantage of their monetization models, and you are definitely going to want to get involved in the communities. This program also offers directory listings just for lenses.

Because the search engines are Squidoo friendly, you are going to want to make sure you utilize keywords so the engines will know what your lens is about. Creating a lens obviously takes some time, but it is well worth your effort. You are going to want to place a Squidoo banner on your blog (they have 125 x 125) when you have completed your lens; so you see you will be directing readers of your Squidoo lens to your blog and vice versa.

For bloggers that are into Clickbank or those that are already into Squidoo, there is an eBook available for you to market called Squidoo Cash Machine. I ran into a Squidoo lens last week where the writer explained that she had purchased this eBook and applied its marketing methods and had an increase in her primary sales. She had also sold a couple of the eBooks; so you may want to take a look at it and see if this is something you want to market or personally read.

1 comment:

Tina S said...

I signed onto squidoo once and couldn't figure that site out for the life of me...
way too confusing. never went back.